Cars: Modal Verbs for Prohibition - CAN'T - TO BE NOT ALLOWED TO

Take a look at the rules for the race that will take place in the movie segment. Try to match the rule and its meaning.

1. No pushing

2. No shoving

3. No bumping

4. No cheating

5. No spitting

6. No biting

7. No maiming

8. No road rage

9. No lolly gagging

10. No road hogging

11. No back stabbing

12. No oil slicking

( ) no idly wasting time

( ) no useless slow driving

( ) no saying bad things behind their backs

( ) no letting oil on the road

( ) no using of physical force to remove the opponent

( ) no pushing rudely

( ) no hitting

( ) no behaving dishonestly

( ) no insulting

( ) no using of teeth to hurt the opponent

( ) no mutilating

( ) no aggressive behavior on the road

Watch the movie segment now and then rewrite the rules, using CAN'T and NOT ALLOWED TO.

Ex: 1. You can't push / You're not allowed to push



Answer key:

Ex I

9, 10, 11, 12, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

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