Twilight: Modal Verb for Ability - CAN

Although this movie is apparently attractive just to teenagers, this scene is fun and exciting for everybody. This scene is excellent for teens, though. They like the movie and it suits the grammar goal well. Students can practice the modal verb CAN for ability. They can also learn some new vocabulary about baseball, especially if they are in a country where the sport is not so popular, like here in Brazil.

Talk to a partner about these questions:

1- What do you know about vampires?
2- What can they do?
3- What's good and bad about being a vampire?

A. Vocabulary Collocation:

Match both columns .

1 - Pitch

2 - Hit
3 - Run
4 - Handle
5 - Jump
6 - smell

( ) the baseball precisely
( ) the baseball hard
( ) fast
( ) the bat with agility
( ) high
( ) different perfumes easily

- . The Cullens

- . The Nomads

Observe the movie segment below. There you will see The Cullens, the group of vampires playing baseball, and the Nomads, the group of vampires who arrive later. Then write down sentences saying what the Cullens and the Nomads can do that we, humans, can't. Use the matching exercise items and others.

1 ..........................................................................................
2 ........................................................................................
3 .........................................................................................
4 .........................................................................................
5 .........................................................................................
6 ........................................................................................

Talk to a partner and decide:

What super powers would you like to have?
I can .........................., ................................., and ......................................
Answer Key - Matching may vary:
1. Pitch the ball precisely
2. Hit the ball hard
3. Run extremely fast
4. Handle the bat with agility
5. Jump high
6. smell different perfumes easily

How to prepare your own video activity:
- Select a scene in which the characters can perform different activities, like skills or sports.
- Ask students to write about what they see and what activities they can (not) perform.


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