A. Ask a partner if he/she can do the following activities.

S1: Can you...?

S2: Yes, I can / No, I can't
1.Play a musical instrument?
2. Practice karate?
3.Turn somersaults?
4. Skate?
5. Play badminton?
6. Play table tennis?
7. Juggle with balls?
8. Juggle with chainsaws?
9. Jet ski?
10. Mix music at parties?
11. Make origami?
12. Speak Chinese?
B. Now watch the movie segment and write sentences about the main characters. Use the activities in the previous exercise and use can or can't. She sees people doing what she likes, so she buys books and learns how to do it. What can and can't she do now?
1. Ex. She can play the piano, the violin, the harmonica, the guitar and the banjo.