1 - Are alcoholic beverages sold freely in your country? What are the regulations on the issue?
2 - What's your opinion about drinking and driving? What should the punishment be?
3 - When is it OK to drink alcoholic beverages?
B. Imagine the following situation.
Imagine that some foreign friends of yours are going out tonight in your city to celebrate a very special occasion. Unfortunately, you have an appointment and you can't go with them. They want do have fun, drink, eat something nice, and meet some interesting girls (guys). Which place would you choose and why?
C. Write down 6 pieces of advice to your friends to enjoy the night in your city safely. Use affirmative and negative statements with SHOULD (NOT).
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2 - .............................................
3 - .............................................
4 - ..............................................
5 - ..............................................
6 - ..............................................
D. Watch the segment now. Imagine the main character, the drunk girl, was with your group of friends. She drank too much and is extremely inappropriate.
E. Make a list of 5 things she should not have done:
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2 - .........................................
3 - .........................................
4 - .........................................
5 - .........................................