Radio Days: While x During

Woody Allen is one of my favorite directors. I don't usually find scenes for my purposes, but this movie is full of them. I think this scene is fantastic because burglars end up helping the family they are robbing. I used it to practice the difference between the use of while and during.

A. Watch the movie segment and decide if the best alternative is while or during.

1. The phone rang while / during they were robbing the Needleman's house.

2. The burglars answered he phone while / during the robbery.

3. The TV host called the Needlemans while / during the radio show.

4. They were supposed to guess that tune while / during the band was playing it.

5. The Needlemans received the winning prize while / during they were standing on the porch.

6. The Needlemans were so surprised that they didn't do anything while / during the delivery.

Answer key:

1. while 2. during 3. during 4. while 5. while 6. during

B. Now write down 3 things that you do:

While you are talking on the phone.

1 ........................................................

2 .......................................................

3 ......................................................

During a party:

1 ......................................................

2 .....................................................

3 .....................................................



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