A. Watch the movie segment and decide if the best alternative is while or during.
1. The phone rang while / during they were robbing the Needleman's house.
2. The burglars answered he phone while / during the robbery.
3. The TV host called the Needlemans while / during the radio show.
4. They were supposed to guess that tune while / during the band was playing it.
5. The Needlemans received the winning prize while / during they were standing on the porch.
6. The Needlemans were so surprised that they didn't do anything while / during the delivery.
Answer key:
1. while 2. during 3. during 4. while 5. while 6. during
B. Now write down 3 things that you do:
While you are talking on the phone.
1 ........................................................
2 .......................................................
3 ......................................................
During a party:
1 ......................................................
2 .....................................................
3 .....................................................