Lesley Kagen's "Good Graces"

Lesley Kagen is the author of Whistling in the Dark, Land of a Hundred Wonders, Tomorrow River and Good Graces.

Here she shares her preference for director and principal cast of an adaptation of Whistling in the Dark and  Good Graces:
If I was fortunate enough to have one of my books optioned for film, hands down, I'd love Ron Howard or Steven Spielberg to direct. I write historical fiction set in the 1950's and 60's. Both of these guys have a great sense of character, and feel for this time period. They could start with my debut novel, Whistling in the Dark, or the sequel, Good Graces. I'd want two unknown girls to play the O'Malley sisters and the rest of the kids on the block. I'd love to see Ethel, who in many ways grounds the stories, played by Octavia Spencer. She did a remarkable job as Minnie in The Help. As Officer Rasmussen, the hero, I'd cast a Viking type of guy with a heart of gold. As the girls' mother, it would have to be an Irish looking lass, a young Maureen O'Hara. Being an actress, I'd love to have a bit part. Perhaps as one of the cranky church ladies.
Learn more about the book and author at Lesley Kagen's website.

Writers Read: Lesley Kagen.

--Marshal Zeringue

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