For Star Trek 3, Karl Urban Wants Originality

While promoting his television show Being Human, Karl Urban on the record to IGN what all Trekkies have been saying - that Star Trek 3 needs to return to its roots with original story telling that explores strange new worlds. He also was emphatic about not trying to use his connections to JJ Abrams to get a role in Star Wars Episode VII.

Somewhat taken aback by the total clarity of his denial, we asked if he was a fan of the Star Wars franchise. “Oh my God, yes,” Urban replied immediately. “I grew up watching it. That was the Holy Grail for me. I was a fan of Star Trek growing up. Star Wars was it. Star Wars was like…I remember waiting for two/three years for that next installment, for Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. I’ve seen every single Star Wars film, even the animated, The Clone Wars, and all that sort of stuff. I just love that universe, but that being said, I have no desire to be part of it. I don’t see the worlds of Star Trek and Star Wars joining. I’ve made a commitment to Star Trek and I’m going to keep it. It wouldn’t feel right to me. Being in Star Trek, to suddenly be in Star Wars wouldn’t feel right to me.”

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