Paramount Pictures has revealed the release date of Star Trek Into Darkness for Blu-ray and DVD as September 10, 2013 with a digital download available on August 20. The release comes in four flavors -
Combo Pack (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Copy),
3D Combo Pack (Blu-ray 3D + Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Copy),
Limited Edition Gift Set (3D Combo Pack + Starfleet Phaser) and single
DVD disc. The Starfleet Phaser, created by Quantum Mechanix Inc., is a 1:1 scale replica that comes with a black display stand and brass plaque. It has a dial to for "stun" or "kill" modes. No mention of the primary material its made out of (metal, plastic, etc). Special feature details along with peak from Yahoo are below, hit the links above to pre-order from
Blu-ray Special features: Read more »