Mayflowers bring … links!

-- I’m not saying get rid of baseball playoffs. I’m just saying it would be cool if, like in the English Premier League, the baseball season crowned a champion. I get a special guest star to help me make the case.*

*Hint: It’s Billy Beane.

-- Inspired by Michael Schur, I go back to the NBA All-Time 50, voted on in 1996, and look to see how many players who have excellent since would make that team. I’ve got at least 10 with another five to 10 on the way. Of course, the harder question would be who to boot OFF those teams. That column to come.

-- Matt Harvey is off to a historic start. Let’s look back at some other pitching phenoms.

Many, many blog posts backed up … will get to them as soon as possible. These include:

-- The most famous athletes in the world.

-- The proper way to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

-- The coolest way to win 1-0.

-- The Natural, in real time.

-- And lots of stuff from here in Louisville at the Kentucky Derby.

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