Kit Reed's "Son of Destruction" & "The Story Until Now"

Kit Reed's books include a new novel, Son of Destruction and The Story Until Now: a Great Big Book of Stories, which features some Reed classics as well as her personal favorites over several decades, including six new stories, never before collected.

Here she shares some ideas about adapting the books for the big screen:
Well, let's see. Since we're talking about two books here, I'll start with the novel. Not stars, necessarily; the looks. For Son of Destruction, a long, lean, intense dark-haired actor to play Walker Pike, and a John Goodman type to play his genial, slick younger brother; for Dan Carteret, again, tall, sandy-haired, intent, rather than intense. A gang of good old boys and homefolks as supporting players and oh, if Ethel Barrymore hadn't died about a hundred years ago, Ethel Barrymore to play Lorna Carteret, the society matron who... oh, never mind. She would be perfect.

As for The Story Until Now, we have parts for rhesus monkeys, a black dog who knows when the next person's gonna die, feral Girl Scouts of all ages and somebody to play opposite an automatic tiger. A Haitian zombie prince... What to say, it's a casting bonanza!

And who would direct? Anybody but Michael Bay or Baz Luhrmann.
Learn more about the author and her work at Kit Reed's website.

--Marshal Zeringue
