Extras Casting Call for Transformers 4 In Austin

Beth Sepko Casting and Third Coast Extras facebook page has posted a variety of variety of extras for Transformers 4 when it starts filming in Austin, Texas for a date range of June 3-20th. The extras include a white or hispanic "mom" or "dad" (details), 35-65 year old "character" faces that seem to fit what a non-Texan might imagine what Texans look like (details here and here), 16-23 white female hotties (details), and what looks like extras for a crowd scene since the age range is 9-12 and 18-80s (details). As always, warning about applying for untrustworthy ads and remember the whole point of extra casting is they pay you for your time, not that you pay them. Also if are not in the Austin, Texas area for that date range, don't waste their time submitting your info. Thanks to Wynton R. for the link.
