Selena Coppock's "The New Rules for Blondes"

A natural blonde who is (now) more faithful to her colorist than she has ever been to any boyfriend, Selena Coppock is a standup comedian, storyteller, and writer based in New York City. When not pushing her pro-blonde agenda, Coppock can usually be found in a dive bar lamenting the breakup of Guns N' Roses and putting Bob Seger's "Night Moves" on the jukebox.

Here she dreamcasts an adaptation of her new book, The New Rules for Blondes: Highlights from a Fair-Haired Life:
The New Rules for Blondes is a collection of humorous essays celebrating and subverting the blonde stereotype and the personal essays are real stories from my life. I've had lots of insane adventures with my life-long best friend Suzanne and I always pictured us as a sort of Romy & Michele duo (Mira Sorvino and Lisa Kudrow from the fantastic 1997 film). But most of these stories come from back when we were in our early 20s, so I'd probably want two young actresses to capture that youthful energy and naivete: Blake Lively and Emma Stone.

While we're talking about dream casting, I'd tap Glenn Close or Meryl Streep to play the role of my blonde mentor: my mother. My mother is a gorgeous woman who is just pure class and grace, and I think that either of those actresses could nail the role of Susan.
Learn more about the book and author at Selena Coppock's website and blog.

Writers Read: Selena Coppock.

--Marshal Zeringue

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