Stephen Colbert in The Hobbit? (Updated)

Could huge The Lord of the Rings fan Stephen Colbert of The Colbert Report be doing a cameo in the The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey? Empire Magazine seems to think so anyway. The comedian often makes Lord of the Rings references on his show, is a self professed lover of Tolkien's work and was also spotted on The Hobbit set by THR. One snippet that caught our eye, though, concerns another movie. Colbert explains how, as an outsized Tolkien fan, he was invited onto the set of The Hobbit last year by Peter Jackson. "I flew out and watched them shoot some scenes and went to some locations," he explains of the trip. "I saw a 25-minute cut, and it was amazing. Jackson knows I’m a big fan of the films." As any good journalist would, the interviewer wonders whether there isn't more to this than meets the eye. Could, for instance, Colbert be cameoing in the movie? "Could be," replies the comedian enigmatically.What is the point of being rich and famous if can't use it to indulge in your passion like being in a movie based on a favorite book by a favorite author? I am sure Colbert has plenty of Hobbit specific stuff planned for his December shows and I would not be surprised if he managed to talk his way into a cameo. Update: "Stephen Colbert will make a cameo in Peter Jackson's Hobbit trilogy, a knowledgeable source confirms to The Hollywood Reporter." No details on what that cameo role will be.

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