Jackson Confirms Ian Holm's Return

Yesterday Sir Peter Jackson posted his thoughts on the script writing process and today he followed that up with a bit of casting news for The Hobbit films as he commented on who provided the Bilbo voiceover in his first behind the scenes video.
One comment that came up from the recent video blog was the Bilbo voice at the end—many of you assumed it was Sir Ian Holm. Whilst Ian will be returning as the older Bilbo Baggins in The Hobbit, that recording was actually Martin Freeman's voice, taken from a script read through we recorded when the cast first arrived. I have to admit, I wasn't sure who it was when I first heard it, either. Cheers, Peter J
Sir Holms has previously indicated his interest in returning to Middle-Earth and clearly that news reach Sir Jackson. It should be interesting to see how all of the LOTR trilogy cast reprisals comes together in the final films.
see how all of the LOTR trilogy cast reprisals comes together in the final films.

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