Transformers: MTMTE Annual Preview, Rage of the Dinobots Interview

Transformers is getting its first annuals in a long time (or ever, not sure) starting with Transformers: More Than Meets The Eye Annual #1. The issue will provide more background on The Knights of Cybertron that kicked of Rodimus and gang's mostly disasterous adventure in space. An eight page preview can be found here.

In addition, IDW Senior Editor John Barber was interviewed about the Transformers Prime: Rage of the Dinobots miniseries that launches in November. The in canon series will take the origin of the Dinobots from Fall of Cybertron and bring it into the Transformers Prime storyline suggesting (but not confirmed) that one or more of the characters could pop in season 3. It starts where Fall of Cybertron ends, with the Ark leaving Cybertron with the Dinobots and others left behind. The full interview can be found at Ain't It Cool News.

Transformers: More Than Meets the Eye Annual 2012
James Roberts (w) • Jimbo Salgado, Guido Guidi (a) • Tim Seeley, Alex Milne (c)
THE ORIGIN OF THE KNIGHTS OF CYBERTRON! Rodimus and the crew of the Lost Light finally reach Crystal City, home to the mysterious Circle of Light. But what they find waiting for them is going to change everything—and not necessarily for the better!
FC • 48 pages • $7.99

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