The official Day 1 of the 2012 San Diego Comic Con has drawn to a close (
Day 0 |
TF Schedule). This is probably the busiest day for Transformers fans as Hasbro and IDW held their panels to talk about their latest products while High Moon Studios was busy showing off multi-player mode for War for Cybertron. As a result, this post is very long. For me the main highlights was the FoC Grimlock toy and learning that Masterpiece Thundercracker is based on the new (better) Starscream mold. Pretty much a link = gallery of images about that particular subject. Let us know what you think of all the new stuff revealed.
Hasbro: Transformers Brand PanelFall of Cybertron- Relaunching Generations in 2013 with at least 40 news toys
- Ruination: Repaint of Bruticus with Impactor, Twin Twist, Top Spin, Roadbuster
- Legends Cassettes: Eject, Rewind, Ramhorn, Laserbeak
- Voyager:
Blaster with Steeljaw (Soundwave repaint)
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