Transformers: Fall of Cybertron Demo, Customization

A little bit more news for Transformers: Fall of Cybertron. The studio announced Transformers: Fall of Cybertron Demo to be released on July 31st for the XBox 360 and PS3. There will not be a demo download for PC version of the game. The other day High Moon released a trailer highlighting the multiplayer aspect of the game and now below we have a new video that focuses on character customizations for those multiplayer wars. In addition, they have a trailer for the G1 Retro Pack that is a GameStop exclusive. Speaking of exclusives, Wal-Mart has their own by offering a free copy of War for Cybertron with each pre-order of FoC. Amazon's pre-order is the G2 skin for Bruticus to go with their G2 version that they are releasing in November (trailer for the toy below). So to sum it up - Demo on the 31st, customization video, G1 retro pack video and G2 Bruticus video below.
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