Live from the Olympics

Yes, I’ve been away for a little while. I know there are a lot of questions about my book about Joe Paterno, and I will do my best to answer them in a few weeks when the book is published. For now, I’ve been working like crazy on the the new Web site we will be launching, in conjunction with USA Today and MLB Advanced Media, called Sports on Earth. I could not be more thrilled about it. We will obviously be developing as we go, but the idea is to build an all-sports site around compelling, funny, thoughtful, ridiculous and sublime sportswriting. We have an amazing lineup of staff writers right at the start -- Tommy Tomlinson, Gwen Knapp, Shaun Powell, Mike Tanier just as a starting point. We have a great group of editors and designers working around the clock. And I think we have some other surprises in store. It’s incredible to be working with this group, and I cannot wait to get started.

This is good because we’re about to get started. I am in London getting ready to write about the Olympics, and though SOE will not officially launch until after the Olympics end we will have what they tell me is called a pop-up site. So for the next three weeks, my blog will be HERE. Some of my columns will also appear in USA Today.

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