Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Andy Serkis
Behind the Scenes
Martin Freeman (Bilbo)
Peter Jackson
Production Video
Sir Ian McKellen
Sylvester McCoy
The Hobbit Production Video #8 - Final Days of Filming
As Peter Jackson promised during the 2012 San Diego Comic Con, the production video #8 has been released. The video provides a behind the scenes look at The Hobbit panel held that Saturday. The video teases some of the bits shown during the con (mostly the cast/crew greetings) while the rest focuses on the final days of production with look at the sets, Andy Serkis last day directing 2nd unit, final day of principle photography and a whole lot more. If interested, I have compiled video links to more then 100 panels that were held during the con here.
Video #1 | Video #2 | Video #3 | Video #4 | Video #5 | Video #6 | Video #7