Well, we've been certainly talking to the studio about some of the material we can't film. And we've been asking them if we can do a bit more filming next year. Which I don't know what would come of that, whether that would be extended additions or not. But those discussions are on going… I'd like to shoot a bunch more material that we can't shoot. There's so much good stuff in the appendices that we haven't been able to squeeze into these movies. That's a discussion that we're having, yeah.Read more »
SDCC 2012: A Third Hobbit Film?
While at the 2012 San Diego Comic-Con, Peter Jackson revealed to HitFlix that he is in discussions with the studio about shooting additional footage for The Hobbit: There and Back Again. The shoot, that the studio would have to pay for, could potentially split the film into two, creating a Hobbit trilogy or it could be used as additional footage for the extended editions of the two Hobbit films. Quote and video below.