SDCC 2012: A Third Hobbit Film?

While at the 2012 San Diego Comic-Con, Peter Jackson revealed to HitFlix that he is in discussions with the studio about shooting additional footage for The Hobbit: There and Back Again. The shoot, that the studio would have to pay for, could potentially split the film into two, creating a Hobbit trilogy or it could be used as additional footage for the extended editions of the two Hobbit films. Quote and video below.
Well, we've been certainly talking to the studio about some of the material we can't film. And we've been asking them if we can do a bit more filming next year. Which I don't know what would come of that, whether that would be extended additions or not. But those discussions are on going… I'd like to shoot a bunch more material that we can't shoot. There's so much good stuff in the appendices that we haven't been able to squeeze into these movies. That's a discussion that we're having, yeah.
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