In an interview with the AV Club that kind of acts as a mini career retrospective, Hugo Weaving (Elrond) answered various questions about the movies he was in including The Hobbit. He spoke about how filming on The Hobbit didn't really feel that different from his Lord of Rings experience since it often involved much of the same cast and crew. The Hobbit segment is below, click
here to read the entire interview.
AVC: How different was making the Hobbit movies from doing the Lord Of The Rings trilogy?
HW: Well, tonally, I think the film is slightly different, but the experience didn’t seem radically different, to be honest. If anything, it was slightly more green-screen and slightly less set. But a lot of the same people, both in the crew and some of the cast. Going back and standing with Ian McKellen on the set again 10 years later, we felt very much at home, in a way, and very much like no time had passed at all. A lot of the other cast were different from The Lord Of The Rings, but it felt like a very similar experience. Actually, I was back there just the other day doing some post-production and went onto set, and I was just thinking, “Well, it’s been a year since I’ve been here—10 years, really, since we started—but it feels like the same family group has been making films there for that long.”
AVC: In the trailer, Bag End looks exactly as it does when we see Bilbo living there in the trilogy. Is it the same set?
HW: You know, I’m not sure. I would hesitate to say it was. I would think it wasn’t. But there may be some elements. I would have thought not, but possibly, yeah.