Cars: Comparatives of Adjectives and Nouns

I have said many times that I just love animated movies. Cars was a turning point in animation. The movie is great and this scene is perfect for comparatives. I also use it for the practice of USED TO, but this is something for another post. I hope you like this one.

A. Read the features below and compare the same city before and after the construction of Interstate 40. Write B if the adjectives or nouns are more evident in the city before the construction of the interstate 40 years ago or A if it applies to the city after the construction of the Interstate.

1. ( ) visitors

2. ( ) cars

3. ( ) busy

4. ( ) rich

5. ( ) jobs

6. ( ) crowded

7. ( ) empty

B. Now write comparative sentences about the city in the past and nowadays. Pay attention whether the items are adjectives or nouns when you write the sentences.

1. In the past the city had more visitors than nowadays.
Nowadays the city has fewer visitors than in the past.

2. ..............................................................
3. ..............................................................
4. .............................................................
5. .............................................................
6. .............................................................
7. .............................................................


2. In the past the city had more cars than nowadays.
Nowadays the city has fewer cars than in the past.

3. In the past the city was busier than nowadays.
Nowadays the city is less busy than in the past.

4. In the past the city was richer than nowadays.
Nowadays the city is less rich than in the past.

5. In the past the city had more jobs than nowadays.
Nowadays the city has fewer jobs than in the past.

6. In the past the city was more crowded than nowadays.
Nowadays the city is less crowded than in the past.

7. In the past the city was less empty than nowadays.
Nowadays the city is emptier than in the past.

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