Transformers: Dark of the Moon Loses to Hugo for Oscars (Updated)

Tonight the Academy Awards were held, with Transformers: Dark of the Moon nominated in three categories for Best Sound Editing, Sound Mixing, and Visual Effects. Sadly the film went 0 for three, losing in all three categories to Hugo. The decisions baffle me but its not really a surprise either. The Academy voters are mostly actors and non-technical people who only know if they liked the movie or not. They are unable to separate the technical (and artistic) achievements from the movie itself, for good or bad. Dark of the Moon and the other much superior nominees in these categories are a victims of that ignorance. Which is sadly often the norm for the Academy Awards.

Update: While Michael Bay is unlikely to comment on the utter nonsense of Hugo being voted superior to Dark of the Moon in these Oscar categories,'s Nelson has posted Film School Reject's rage over the Oscar snubbing here as an indirect way to reflect their likely thoughts on the subject. When my Mom, who barely knows computers much less how films are made found, Hugo's wins in these categories to be ridiculous (and she was upset Hugo didn't get Best Film), then you know there is a serious disconnect between the voters and their knowledge of the categories.
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