Colin Cotterill's "Killed at the Whim of a Hat"

Born in London, Colin Cotterill has worked as teacher in Israel, Australia, the U.S. and Japan before he started training teachers in Thailand. Cotterill and his wife live in a small fishing village on the Gulf of Siam in Southern Thailand. He’s won the Dilys and a CWA Dagger, and has been a finalist for several other awards.

Here he shares some ideas about casting the leads in an adaptation of his new novel, Killed at the Whim of a Hat:
This blog's editor always lumbers me with this MY BOOK THE MOVIE homework knowing full well I’ve exhausted all the bankable Asian actors in Hollywood. So, once again I’ll have to wait for the American version and stick a few white guys in there. Here we go:

Jimm: feisty 35 year-old Thai journalist – Salma Hayek with padding

Granddad Jah: honest traffic cop retired broke and grumpy – Tommy Lee Jones

Arny: Body-building pussy cat –

Mair: matriarch at outset of dementia – Susan Sarandon

Chompoo: effete police lieutenant – Guy Pearce

Ed the Grass Man: weed-wacking love interest – Olando Bloom

And I’d direct it myself because directors make a lot more money than novelists.
Visit Colin Cotterill's website.

The Page 69 Test: Killed at the Whim of a Hat.

--Marshal Zeringue

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