A. Watch the movie segment and pay attention to the Kensington rules, procedures Queen Victoria has to follow. Then complete the blanks with had better or would rather and the verb provided. Make sure you choose either affirmative or negative forms, according to the information in the segment.
1. She was born a princess, but she ______________ (have) an ordinary life.
2. Palaces are wonderful, but she _____________ (live) in one.
3. Her life is always in threat, so someone _____________ (taste) her food before her meals.
4. She can't attend school with other children, but she ___________ (go) to a regular school.
5. The Kensington rules are for her protection, so she __________ (sleep) in a room with her mother.
6. She __________________ (walk) downstairs without holding the hand of an adult.
7. Because Victoria is too young, her uncle wants to be her Regency, but she __________ (rule) the Kingdom herself.
8. She is unhappy, she she ____________ (change) her life and ______________ (be) free.
Answer key:
1. would rather have
2. would rather not live
3. had better taste
4. would rather go
5. had better sleep
6. had better not walk
7. would rather rule
8. would rather change / be