So, you probably noticed that for the last few months, this blog has been in kind of a weird netherworld. I'm reproducing the sports posts that I write for my Sports Illustrated blog here. I'm also putting up some non-sports stuff here. Meanwhile, I'm putting up polls here and, well, it's all kind of weird and distracting and disjointed. I'm also finding myself spending too much effort doing time-intensive things that don't make a lot of sense, like making changes to the same story on two different blogs.
Well, over the next few weeks things are going to change a bit. We are redesigning I have quite a few ideas for what we're going to do. And, at the same time, I have no idea what we're going to do … or what technically we even CAN do. By "we," I should say that I'm including my technical team, which at the moment includes family members, though the 6-year-old at last check was holding out for more money.
Among the general plans:
1. Make the overall site a bit more interactive.
2. Have two separate blogs -- a sports blog and a personal blog.
3. Do a better job of connecting everything I do -- from books to magazines to web to Poscasts to Tweets.
4. Possibly connect with a statistical site … not entirely sure how that would work yet.
5. Write that iPad review.
in any case, you have been the driving force behind this blog for a few years now. So I would ask you for your suggestions, your ideas, your crazy notions -- what would you like this Web site and blog to be in 2012?
Wednesday, August 24, 2011