Michael Bay Denies Leak, Provides Script Progress Update

Michael Bay has posted on his website that this morning's script leak of the Transformers 4 script is a fake. Even better he let us know that they are up to page 70 on the script so probably a touch over halfway done. In general most scripts sort of work out to about page a minute so the final script will likely clock in at around 120 pages or so depending on the level of detail it provides.
Some Internet sites this morning reported that some document recovery guy has found a legitimate 120 page script of Transformers 4. I can absolutely 100 percent say this is completely false. The only two people in the world that have our unfinished script are Kruger and myself. Also we are only up to page 70 in our T4 script. Maybe this guy has a cartoon or something else – but definitely not our movie!

