The Boy in the Striped Pajamas: Too x Either

This is one of the most touching movies about the Holocaust I've seen. The friendship between these two boys is moving. I used it to practice TOO and EITHER.

I. Watch the movie segment. Then write sentences about Shmuel using TOO or EITHER.


1. Bruno is eight years old.

Shmuel is eight years old, too.

2. Bruno doesn't have any food.

Shmuel ........................................

3. Bruno isn't playing.

Shmuel .........................................

4. Bruno doesn't have friends.

Shmuel .........................................

5. Bruno is German.

Shmuel .........................................

6. Bruno doesn't know anyone called Shmuel

Shmuel .........................................

7. Bruno is friendly.


II. Work with a partner and find 4 things that you have in common. 2 things have to be affirmative (ex: I like potato chips. My pal likes potato chips, too) and the other two things have to be negative (ex: I can't speak Japanese. My pal can't speak Japanese, either).

1. _____________

2. _____________

3. _____________

4. ____________

Answer key:

2. doesn't have any food, either.

3. isn't playing, either.

4. doesn't have friends, either.

5. is German, too.

6. doesn't know anyone called Bruno, either.

7. is friendly, too.

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