A. Watch the movie segment about an eskimo family that is attacked by a gr

My - Your - His - Her - Its - Our - Their
1. The eskimo tribe lived in the woods. The sabre-tooth tigers invaded __________ territory.
2. The eskimos had some dogs. They barked to warn _________ owners about the dangerous tigers.
3. Kinu, the eskimo, used ___________ spear to fight the tiger and protect ________ family.
4. Jana, the eskimo mother, held __________ baby before Diego, the tiger, attacked it. She would never leave _______ child behind.
5. The tiger grabbed ____________ necklace, but it didn't grab ___________ baby.
6. ________________ husband could not help her because of the tigers. Kinu wanted to help _______________ wife and child, but she ran away with _________ baby.
7. The dogs defended ______________ owner from the tigers.
8. The tigers were unhappy with Diego because of __________ incompetence to get the baby.
9. Kinu found _________ wife's necklace. _______________ friends followed him to look for _________ wife and child.
10. Did you like the segment? What's __________ opinion about it?
11. I (liked/didn't like) it. In ___________ opinion, the segment is (great / terrible / fantastic / etc).
Answer Key:
1. their
2. their
3. his / his
4. her / her
5. her / her
6. her / his / their
7. their
8. his (its)
9. his / his / his
10. your
11. my