Falling Down: Present Continuous

This is a classic movie with a very current issue. Living in big cities seems to be getting harder and harder. I took advantage of this scene to practice the present continuous tense.

A. Talk to a partner:

1 - Do you face traffic jams to go to school or work?

2 - What do you do to kill time?

3 - Is it dangerous to be locked inside your car during a traffic jam? Explain.

4 - Do you prefer to live in a big city or in a small town? Why?

B. Before watching the scene, check the items you do when you are stuck in a traffic jam.

( ) 1. Throw objects at passers-by.

( ) 2. Talk on the phone

( ) 3. Listen to the radio.

( ) 4. Put on some lipstick.

( ) 5. Honk the horn.

( ) 6. Play games.

( ) 7. Leave the car and walk home.

( ) 8. Sleep in the car.

( ) 9. Read a book.

( ) 10. Do my homework.

C. Now write sentences saying who is performing the activities above during the traffic jam.

Ex: 1. Some children are throwing objects at the passers-by.











How to make your own video activity:

- Select a scene in which several characters are performing different activities at the same time

- Make sure the activities are still in process.

- List activities the characters are performing and other ones that other people would probably be doing as well if they were there.

- Ask sts to tell each other what they usually do when they are in such situation.

- Have students watch the segment and write sentences saying what the characters are actually doing in the segment.

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