The Heartbreak Kid: Adversative Conjuctions - Opposition

This segment is excellent because the main characters want to do completely different things, which is great to practice adversative conjunctions.

A. Talk to a partner:

1. Do you believe everyone has a soulmate? Have you found yours? Explain it.

2. Is it important for lovers to like the same things? Why (not)?

B. Watch the movie segment about a newly weds who do not know each other very well. Write HE in the square next to the sentence if it is about Eddie, SHE if it is about Miranda, or THEY if it is about both of them.

1 (He) loves to go fishing.

(She) gets seasick.

2 ( ) would like to go on an adventure and go up the mountains.

( ) thinks it would be nice to just relax on the beach.

3 ( ) kept on singing very excitedly.

( ) got tired of singing.

4 ( ) was sick and tired of her singing.

( ) wasn’t courageous enough to reveal it.

5 ( ) were going on their honeymoon.

( ) knew very little about each other.

C. Now combine the sentences above using the conjunctions below:

But / still / yet / whereas / while / although / despite the fact / though / however/ nevertheless

1 …………………………………………………….…………….

2 ………….....…………………………………………………....

3 …………………………………………………………………..

4 ............…………………………………………………………

5 ……………………………………………………………………

Answer Key:


1. He/she
2. He/she
3. He/she
4. He/he
5. They/they

C. Answers will vary.

How to prepare your own video activity.

- Select a scene in which the characters enjoy or perform different activities.

- Prepare sentences for the students to identify who enjoys/performs the activities
- The students rewrite the sentences using the given conjunctions


How to prepare your own video activity:

- Select a scene in which two characters enjoy/ perform different activities
- Write down two sentences with the same or opposite ideas about the characters likes and dislikes
- Provide the students with the conjunctions you want them to use
- Ask them to combine both sentences with the conjunctions
