Casino Royale: Simple Past x Past Perfect

In my opinion, this is one of the best 007 movie. I used this scene to have students practice the use of the past perfect x simple past tenses.

Watch the video segment and write ( 1 ) in the parentheses of the action that took place first and ( 2 ) in the parentheses of the action that happened later.

( 1 ) James Bond took a plane to the Bahamas.
( 2 ) He drove across the island to the hotel.

( ) He crouched to tie his shoe string.
( ) He gave his car keys to the bellboy.

( ) Two guys gave Bond their car keys by mistake.
( ) Bond crashed their car in the parking lot.

( ) He threw the car keys away.
( ) He entered the hotel lobby.

( ) He made a reservation at the hotel
( ) He saw the images of the parking lot in the surveillance room.

Now fill in the blanks of the exercise below with the simple past or the past perfect forms of the verbs in parentheses. You may use "already" if it is applicable.

a) When he _____________ (drive) across the island to the hotel, James Bond ___________ (take) a plane to the Bahamas.

b) When Bond _________________ (crouch) to tie his shoe string, he ______________ (give) his car keys to the hotel bellboy.

c) Two guys _____________ (give) Bond their car keys by mistake when he ____________ (crash) their car in the parking lot.

d) Bond _________________ (throw) the keys away when he ______________ (enter) the hotel lobby.

e) When he ____________ (make) a reservation at the hotel he ________________ (see) the images of the parking lot in the surveillance room.

Answer Key:


I. 1,2
II. 2,1
III. 1,2
IV. 2,1


1. drove / had taken
2. crouched / had given
3. had given / crashed
4. had thrown / entered
5. made / had seen

How to prepare your own video activity:

Grammar Goal: Simple Past x Past Perfect
• Select a scene in which there is a sequence of events.
• Prepare an exercise in which the students have to decide which action took place first.
• Students write 1 or 2 in the exercise parentheses, according to the order of the events in the segment
• Students fill in the blanks of the exercise with either the simple past or the past perfect form of the verbs in parentheses.


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