Fusible.com is reporting that the WHOIS records for MarkMonitor presents three possible titles for Transformers 4. MarkMonitor is a brand protection company that Paramount Pictures used to get the TransformersDarkoftheMoon.com domain and claimed three .com domains for possible TF4 titles. The titles:
Transformers: Apocalypse (WHOIS)
Transformers: Last Stand (WHOIS)
Transformers: Future Cast (WHOIS)
Keep in mind these are just possibilities and odds ones to me, mostly because they invoke other movies. Apocalypse was the sub-title of the second Resident Evil movie while Last Stand was the sub-title of the third X-Men movie. As for "Future Cast", it sounds a little to close to the subtitle of X-Men: Days of Future Past, the next X-movie coming out in 2014. I am more inclined to think that these are actually domain buys for Hasbro for their next cartoon series or video game. As always time will tell.
Sunday, September 1, 2013
TF4 Rumor