Mark Wahlberg Discusses Kids Cameo, Dinobots

In a quick interview with MTV, Mark Wahlberg refused to confirm the Dinobots but he did talk about the cameo his kids filmed with Michael Bay (as he mentioned would happen a few months ago). He makes a reference to Transformers: Age of Extinction being $300 million movie. Its not. Probably in the $175 to $150 range just like the previous movies.
"You can't say that, dude. Did you leak it? Did you leak it? You leaked it," he said. "Somebody leaked it, dude. Somebody was on the set leaked it, and it is not OK. It's not cool."

So is that a confirmation of the Dinobots from Wahlberg? Not quite. "I don't know," he said. "I haven't seen no Dinobot, so don't put that on me."
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