Hasbro Trademarks Reveals Likely Transformers 4, Video Games Titles

Yesterday we heard of three possible Transformers 4 titles that frankly just didn't feel right. However, TFW2005's search of the United States Patent and Trademark Office did turn up a title that does feel right. Especially considering it fits the title pattern of the previous movies and invoke the now officially confirmed TF cast addition of the Dinobots without mentioning them by name.

Transformers: Age of Extinction

In addition three titles from the Video Game category were found that includes a bit of a spoiler.
- Spirits Rising (patent ID)
- Megatron Returns (patent ID)
- Autobots Rising (patent ID)

In addition, a WHOIS search indicates that the TransformersAgeOfExtinction.com was bought by MarkMonitor on August 16, two weeks before those other domains. We still have to wait for official confirmation from Hasbro or Paramount Pictures but this one sounds right. So what do you think of the unconfirmed title?

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