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Do Not Buy Star Trek Into Darkness
As a life long Star Trek fan, I want to support the franchise. However, sometimes that can't hold. With the upcoming release of Star Trek Into Darkness on Blu-ray, I cannot recommend buying it. Not because of the quality of the movie (lacking but a different subject) but because of Paramount choosing to provides its best extra features as exclusives. Over half of them in fact. Now the concept of exclusives is not new but until now the exclusives where either about the packaging, an extra item or a second rate extra feature. Now that has changed to special covers (6 at last count), special collectibles (a phaser or Hot Wheels USS Vengeance), and breaking up their best extra features as exclusives. By purchasing the movie, you are encouraging bad behavior and guaranteeing they continue this horrible practice. Even worse, you will encourage the other studios to engage in the same behavior.
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