Transformers 4 Starts Filming at Detroit's China Set on Monday

After over a month of building, Transformers 4's China set is about to get used and abused as filming at the site begins on Monday. As the pictures from Jerry show, the set seems to be the aftermath of a battle that eventually be edited with actual footage filmed in Hong Kong. In an an interview with TF4 producer Ian Byrce to the Detroit Free Press, a little bit more info was provided on what the set will be used for.
“Next week, we begin in Detroit on the big set we’ve built underneath the monorail,” says “Transformers 4” producer Ian Bryce, referring to the Asian-style structures that have been constructed next to Grand Circus Park — near the People Mover.

Detroit will be portraying Hong Kong for the shoot, which is expected to run through the second week of August.
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