Susan Dennard's "Something Strange and Deadly"

Susan Dennard is a reader, writer, lover of animals, and eater of cookies. She used to be a marine biologist, but now she writes novels. And not novels about fish either, but novels about kick-butt heroines and swoon-worthy rogues. (She really likes swoon-worthy rogues).

Dennard's novels are Something Strange and Deadly and its sequel, A Darkness Strange and Lovely.

Here the author dreamcasts an adaptation of Something Strange and Deadly:
If the Ambiguous They ever make Something Strange and Deadly into a movie, I can tell you exactly who I'd want to play my characters. Admittedly, these actors are all a bit older than their characters, but that's pretty typical...right? (Plus, it'd be creepy if I was eyeing teenagers. I am almost 30, after all.)

When I was crafting Daniel Sheridan, I very vividly imagined him as Max Irons (Red Riding Hood, The Host). His cocky grin, unruly blond hair, and lanky frame just screamed "Daniel" to me. I still think--in terms of looks and acting--he'd be perfect as my short-tempered inventor.

Joseph Boyer wasn't someone I had an actor in mind for...but then I saw the film The Adjustment Bureau. The instant Anthony Mackie walked on the screen, I was like, "Him!!" He's just so suave, so good-looking, and so perfect for Misyeu Boyer!

For Jie, I also had a very particular idea of what she looked like...and no actress quite fit the part. Until I saw the TV show Awkward (which is so good, by the way!). Jessica Lu has just the right amount of spunk, spark, and snark. I think she would be perfect as my Chinese tomboy.

And this brings me to Eleanor Fitt. My heroine; the character that--above all--has to be perfectly portrayed. But who to do it? I have to admit I haven't yet discovered a single actress (or even person) who seems to be exactly like the vision in my head. But, I do think there are two actresses that might pull off this zombie-beating, high-society gal: Rachel Hurd-Wood (Dorian Gray) and Mia Wasikowska (Alice in Wonderland).

They'd both need to gain a bit of weight for the role--Eleanor's a curvy girl!--and they'd definitely need long, light hair. But I think their skin coloring and their acting skills would do well for my leading lady.

As for a director, how about Tim Burton? Just kidding! (Though I think he'd make the series brilliantly dark and wacky.) I have to say I really don't know many directors, but I would think--if my book ever even made it far enough to reach "choosing a director" status, that I'd be quite pleased with whoever came onboard. The important thing is that the director--and cast--love the story and be willing to tell it properly.

Thank you so much for hosting me! And I hope you all enjoy Something Strange and Deadly: The Movie--you know, if it ever actually makes it to the big screen.
Learn more about the book and author at Susan Dennard's website, blog, and Facebook page.

Read--Coffee with a Canine: Susan Dennard & Asimov and Leia.

--Marshal Zeringue

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