Jessica Anya Blau's "The Wonder Bread Summer"

Jessica Anya Blau's books include the nationally bestselling novel The Summer of Naked Swim Parties and the critically acclaimed Drinking Closer to Home.

Here she shares some suggestions for the above-the-talent in a big screen adaptation of her new novel, The Wonder Bread Summer:
I love movies as much as I love books, so this is a fun question. I know Steven Soderbergh has quit making movies but I’d like to pull him out of retirement to make this film. I love the energy in Out of Sight, probably one of his least-known films but one that I think was underrated. I thought The Limey was fabulous (and underrated) and loved the oddness of it. And, of course, this book is a caper so, stylistically, the Ocean’s movies have the right tension, wit and tone for The Wonder Bread Summer.

Now let’s cast this Soderbergh production! For Allie, my 20-year old Berkeley student who’s on the lam with a bread bag full of cocaine, we need Rashida Jones seventeen years ago (can someone make that happen?). For Frank, her father, we could use Will Smith. For Penny, her mother, we need Lucy Liu.

Somebody get Soderbergh on the phone and let’s make this thing happen!
Learn more about the book and author at Jessica Anya Blau's website, Facebook page, and Twitter perch.

Read--Coffee with a Canine: Jessica Anya Blau and Pippa.

The Page 69 Test: The Wonder Bread Summer.

--Marshal Zeringue

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