Images From A Transformers 4 Farm Set (Updated)

New photos from a potential set for Transformers 4 has popped up on Instagram. Taken by blackdaggerbrotherhood from Austin, Texas the images (below) show a farm set. Its exact purpose is not known but the user applied a lot of hashtags to go with the pics, the key ones being #transformers4, #fbi and #chase. I don't think filming has started there, just that the site is being prepped for it. Thanks to Mauri D. for the link.

Update: Mauri spoke with blackdaggerbrotherhood and he said he was part of the crew that built the roads around the barn, house and pond for a chase scene while "did not do any of the cosmetics on the building ...will be assisting the stunt crew with ramps and stuff." Sounds like a lot of fun.
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