Amy Sue Nathan's "The Glass Wives"

Amy Sue Nathan lives and writes near Chicago where she hosts the popular blog, Women's Fiction Writers. She has published articles in Huffington Post, Chicago Tribune and New York Times Online among many others. Nathan is the proud mom of a son and a daughter in college, and a willing servant to two rambunctious rescued dogs.

Here the author dreamcasts an adaptation of The Glass Wives, her debut novel:
When I was writing The Glass Wives I pictured only two characters—Andie MacDowell as the protagonist’s best friend Laney because they both have long curly hair, and George Clooney as Sandy, because it’s easy to picture George Clooney for any reason.

But the main characters, Evie and Nicole, those images came to me after the book was finished and I was onto writing the next, and only randomly as I saw different actors in movies or on TV. I see Sandra Bullock as Evie and  Drew Barrymore as Nicole. Bullock has the serious/comedic quality I think Evie possesses, and after I saw an interview with Barrymore as a new mom, I knew that she would be perfect for Nicole.

I see Diane Lane as Beth, and it’s her voice and classy demeanor that cinched that for me. Now if I could only get any of them to agree with me!
Learn more about the book and author at Amy Sue Nathan's website, Facebook page, and Twitter perch.

Read--Coffee with a Canine: Amy Sue Nathan & Mitzi and Lizzie.

--Marshal Zeringue

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