Tomorrow bring Transformers Spotlight - Trailcutter one-shot to store. The issue focuses on the G1 character on board the Lost Light. I assume this takes place before Overlord's attack in MTMTE #15 mainly because most Spotlight issues tend to be essentially flashbacks. A preview of the issue can be found here.
Transformers Spotlight: Trailcutter #1
James Roberts (w) • Matt Frank (a) • Frank, Livio Ramondelli (c)
STEALTH ATTACK! Trailcutter has a problem: the Lost Light has been taken over by the Decepticons—and no one else seems to have noticed! Can the Autobots’ defense strategist singlehandedly see off an army of infiltrators? And even if he does, will it convince his crew mates that he's got more to offer than kind words and forcefields?
2 regular covers will be shipped in a 1-to-1 ratio • FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Tuesday, April 2, 2013