Bay: Redesigning Every Transformer for TF4

In an interview with MovieFone to promote Pain & Gain, Michael Bay spoke about Transformers 4. To talked about why he started doing the franchise and changing his mind on moving on to do TF4. Main piece of information is he said "I'm literally redesigning every character, top to bottom. There's a [story] reason why their redesigned..." It will be interesting to see what those redesigns look like. The Transformers comments are below, the full interview is at MovieFone.
Well it’s more about how you approach these films, like for example, on “Transformers,” you already have the built in audience.
See, I was not a fan of Transformers [at first]. Hasbro was talking about giving me a whole Transformers story, and I’m like, “If I can do this really real. If I can make them believable, I think I could have something here.” I’m not a Hollywood guy. My friends are normal guys. I’ve got this guy from Texas. He’s like, “Mike, that “Transformers” [movie] seems like a dumb idea.” And I’m like, “Yeah, I know, but just give it a second.” And then I showed him the shot of the Scorponoks jumping out of the sand with Tyrese [Gibson] running. He saw that image and he went, “I see what you’re doing.” You’ll always have haters, but the last movie? One-hundred-twenty million people saw that movie. There’s still a lot of fans of that franchise. And I’m a huge Transformers fan now, and I protect that brand.
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