Wreck-It Ralph: Dialog Writing

This animated movie is innovative and highly creative. It is great to see  animation based on video games characters we all know - most students do!

I. Talk to a friend:

1. Do you like video games? What are your favorite ones?

2. What are the best video games villains you know? What do they do that make them such terrible villains.

3. What are the best video games heroes? Why are they so great heroes?

4. What is your favorite kind of video games?

II. Watch the segment and then complete the dialogs that are not in English.

Felix: What brings you here, neighbor?

Q*bert: ____________________________________________________ .

Felix: ______________________________________________________.

Q*bert: ____________________________________________________ .

Felix: ______________________________________________________ .

Q*bert: ____________________________________________________ .

Felix: ______________________________________________________.

Q*bert: ____________________________________________________ .

Felix: ______________________________________________________.

Felix: Ralph's gone turbo*!

III. What do you think Ralph's gone turbo* mean?

IV. Role play your scene. Add an ending to your scene too.

*To go turbo, in this case, is to be discontinued, out of the market.


