Margaux Froley's "Escape Theory"

Margaux Froley grew up in Santa Barbara, California, and attended not one, but two boarding schools during her high school years in California and Oxford, England. She studied film at University of Southern California, and has worked for such television networks as: TLC, CMT, Travel, MTV, and the CW. She currently lives in Los Angeles and still loves Nutter Butters.

Here she dreamcasts an adaptation of Escape Theory, her first novel:
I always imagined Escape Theory as a TV show while I wrote it. Since that's more of my background, that's where my head goes more easily. The first five chapters or so of the book would be almost the pilot episode, with a few adjustments along the way. While I was writing the early drafts of Escape Theory, The Killing was in its first season on AMC, so tonally I was heavily influenced by The Killing. In terms of actors, I imagined people like Dave Franco as Hutch and Lily Collins as Devon our main character. But, in world of having a darker more grounded TV show, I would happily take the everyman version of both Dave Franco and Lily Collins. Someone relatable that's maybe not quite as stunningly beautiful as those two. Directors? I actually ran into a director the other day and didn't quite realize until later how perfect he would be. It was Roger Kumble who wrote and directed Cruel Intentions. While the YA audience these days might not have grown up on Cruel Intentions like I did, that sinister noir while still being sexy vibe that Kumble achieved in Cruel Intentions would be a great fit for Escape Theory. I'm still kicking myself for not talking to him more, but hey, maybe Roger Kumble will read this and we can make the thesis of your blog come true?
Learn more about the book and author at Margaux Froley's website.

The Page 69 Test: Escape Theory.

--Marshal Zeringue
