Karen E. Bender's "A Town of Empty Rooms"

Karen E. Bender is the author of the novel Like Normal People, which was a Los Angeles Times bestseller, a Washington Post Best Book of the Year, and a Barnes and Noble Discover Great New Writers selection.

Here she dreamcasts an adaptation of her second novel, A Town of Empty Rooms:
For Rabbi Golden, the complicated rabbi who divides his congregation, the perfect choice would be Jeremy Piven. Watching Piven become the explosive-yet-sentimental agent Ari Gold on Entourage helped me imagine the rabbi in my book. Piven could bring Ari’s frenetic style to his portrayal of the rabbi; I can just see him standing on the bima in the temple, all of the congregants looking up at him and hoping he will lead them.

For Serena Hirsch, I’d want an actress around who can project aggrieved, hopeful, and maybe a little naive. Julianne Margulies comes to mind, or, in a surprising and daring career move, Julia Roberts.

Dan Shine is a PR guy who lets his desire for everything to go well lead him to bad decisions. I’d want an actor who is good at playing a suppressed character--someone who has an upbeat exterior but is brooding inside. I'd choose Tom Cruise, who, in Jerry Maguire, had the perfect PR guy handshake.

Forrest Sanders is the seemingly hospitable neighbor who quickly reveals darker intentions. Gene Hackman can make cheerful seem threatening, with just the right sort of smile.
Learn more about the book and author at Karen Bender's website.

--Marshal Zeringue

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