Michael Bay "Sick" of Hugo Weaving

It seems that Michael Bay did not appreciate Hugo Weaving's honestly when he spoke about doing the voice of Megatron for the Transformers films. Weaving commented that despite doing three films he never met the director and that the role itself really did not mean much to him, that it was essentially just a paycheck. I see nothing wrong with that the honestly as really no different then how I have looked at most of my jobs over the years. Obviously Bay had no concerns about Weaving's ability to do the job considering he still has not met the actor. While I was mostly indifferent to the comments, Bay was angry about it and shared those feeling on the his blog. The comment was deleted but Collider has a copy.
Do you ever get sick of actors that make $15 million a picture, or even $200,000 for voiceover work that took a brisk one hour and 43 minutes to complete, and then complain about their jobs? With all the problems facing our world today, do these grumbling thespians really think people reading the news actually care about trivial complaints that their job wasn’t ‘artistic enough” or “fulfilling enough”? I guess The Hollywood Reporter thinks so.

What happened to people who had integrity, who did a job, got paid for their hard work, and just smiled afterward? Be happy you even have a job – let alone a job that pays you more than 98% of the people in America.

I have a wonderful idea for all those whiners: They can give their “unhappy job money” to a wonderful Elephant Rescue. It’s the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust in Africa. I will match the funds they donate.
While the odds of Megatron returning in the fourth film were already unlikely, this mini-argument probably put a permanent kibosh on the idea. I really have a problem with Bay's comments, just question the wisdom of saying anything as it renewed this story for another news cycle. The best move in this case would have been no move.

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