Corey Redekop's "Husk"

Corey Redekop has been many things: actor, waiter, disc jockey, cameraman, editor, lawyer (almost), and now the fabled trifecta of publicist/librarian/author. His debut novel, Shelf Monkey, is either a work of insane genius or an intolerable left-wing screed, depending on which review you read. Stunningly handsome, supremely talented, superbly gifted at hyperbole, Redekop abides in Fredericton, New Brunswick.

Here the author shares some ideas for casting an adaptation of his latest novel, Husk:
I hate to specify certain body types of actors, as I really don’t like casting based on appearance. But my hero Sheldon gradually rots away to nothing, especially in the third act, so I reluctantly have to insist that the actor portraying him be relatively slim in build. It just isn’t feasible to use an actor with a larger frame, unless we shell out tonnes of money for CGI, and no one wants that.

Sheldon would be an excellent part for either Jay Baruchel or Topher Grace. Both are relatively slight, and both have unique comedic timing that I think would help accentuate the ridiculousness of the situation. Husk is a comedy, despite the gallons of viscera I spread about the pages. But there’s a dramatic side to much of the proceedings, so my final answer would have to be Joseph Gordon Levitt. I hated 3rd Rock from the Sun, but since then, he’s proved himself one of the best actors out there. Watch Brick and see if I’m wrong. He’s bulking up a bit lately, and he’s a touch young for the role, but we could get around that.

For Duane, Sheldon’s awkward paramour, that’s where we go with the pretty. Duane is a C-list Disney television actor, but we cannot cast exactly that way, as we want actual acting, i.e. no Saved by the Bell pretending to act allowed. Ugh. We could try Channing Tatum, who’s proved himself a bit heftier as an actor than we previously believed, or Zac Efron (but he might be too pretty). I’d almost say Taylor Lautner, but I’m so far unconvinced that there is anything there.

Rowan, Sheldon’s agent, needs a woman who can play practically sociopathic. She needs to be a force unto herself, a woman who completely gets her own way through any means necessary. I’d like to go with unexpected casting on this, so Daryl Hannah or Demi Moore would be my picks.

And without giving too much away, Lambertus Dixon, the astonishingly old gentleman whose part in the novel shall remain spoiler-free here, would have been a perfect role for the late great William Hickey. He wouldn’t have needed a spot of makeup. I’m tempted to try R. Lee Ermey, who would need a little aging, but as this is a zombie novel, I’m going to go old-school and cast Christopher Lee. Because everything goes better with Christopher Lee.

And Doctor Rhodes, the surgeon with the impossible-to-place accent? Gary Oldman. Have at it, sir! Chew scenery with abandon!
Read more about the novel and author at the Shelf Monkey blog and Corey Redekop's website.

The Page 99 Test: Shelf Monkey.

My Book, The Movie: Shelf Monkey.

--Marshal Zeringue

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