Transformers 4 Direction Motivated by TF3 Toy Sales

Hasbro's CEO Brian Goldner was at the UBS Best of Americas 2012 Conference (not a clue what that is) where the company provided a little bit of information about Transformers 4 including their placeholder logo until something official is developed with Paramount for the current summer 2014 release date. TFW2005 was able to provide the Transformers specific highlights.

- Called Botshots and Kre-O part of the gamification of Hasbro brands.
- Transformers 3 toy sales lower than expected blamed having the same characters in all the movies.
- Drop in sales motivated desire to use new characters in a new story specific to them.
- Desire to expand Transformers 3 to young kids lead to creation of Rescue Bots.
- Goldner hinted that Transformers 4 may lead to a re-imaging or reinvention of the brand.

It is easy to read too much into this but nothing surprising here. Hasbro take. Sales of TF3 toys were down, not surprising considering how many of them were just modifications of previous lines releases. A key way to refresh the line is new characters with new story arcs that could still tie into the larger TF Bay-verse if choose to or go into a new direction. Until we see of what Michael Bay has in store for TF4, it will be difficult to judge exactly what a reimaging or reinvention may actually mean. Thanks to Sahara A. for the link.

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