The Greatest & Did You Hear about the Morgans?: Numerals

You can do these activities separately or together if you want. The Greatest is more challenging for the numbers are long and you also have dates and times. The one from Did You Hear about the Morgans? is much easier, it is suitable for beginners, but you must tell the students that they don't have to understand everything, just the numbers. It is a great listening exercise and you can practice this point in a meaningful way.

A. Try to complete the blanks below with the given numbers.
18 - 216 - 164 - 25,920 - 311,040 - 08/18/2008 - 2:30 pm - 02/12/2009 - 119 - 2,136 - 128,160
1. How old is the girl?
She is _______ years old, _________ hours, ________ weeks, ______ days, ____ hours.
2. When did she arrive at his door?
She arrived home on ________, at __________.
3. When will she have the baby?
She will deliver the baby on ___________. She still has ______ days ,_______ hours, ______ minutes to go before she has the baby.
B. Now watch the movie segment from the movie "The Greatest" and check your answers.
C. Now write the numbers, dates and times in full.

D. Watch the movie segment from the movie "Did You Hear about the Morgans?" and complete the information below with four numbers said in the bingo. Write the number and then write it in full.
1. I _________ - _______________________
2. N _________ - _______________________
3. B _________ - _______________________
4. G _________ - _______________________

Answer Key:

Correct order: 18 - 216 - 164 - 25,920 - 311,040 - 08/18/2008 - 2:30 pm - 02/12/2009 - 119 - 2,136 - 128,160

C. eighteen, two hundred sixteen, a hundred sixty-four, twenty-five thousand nine hundred twenty, three hundred eleven thousand and forty, August eighteenth two thousand and eight, two-thirty pm, February twelfth two thousand and nine. a hundred nineteen, two thousand a hundred thirty-six, a hundred twenty-eight thousand a hundred sixty.

1. I 18 - eighteen
2. N 32 - thirty-two
3. B 4 - four
4. G 46 - forty-six
